Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Hi remember a recent post about working out becoming part of a routine? Apparently I spoke to soon. I've been so busy this week, therefore tired by the time 5 pm comes around, therefore neglecting to workout - which is funny as that's the one thing that could definitely help my energy levels. Anyway, after pretty much a full week of just ingesting too much information, not such great food, and just sitting around alot in staff training, I am in dire need of a workout, so I'll jump into one this afternoon. I was doing so good, and then everything just fizzled. I was just thinking that I'm probably not the only person this happens too, so I figured I'd scour the net for some tips to stay motivated and work out regularly, and share the best. Enjoy!

  1. Set goals. Whether it's a weight goal, or you want to train to run a 5k. It's good to have something to look forward too.
  2. Motivational quotes. I recommend the fitness section of pinterest.
  3. Prepare for excuses. For me, 2 of my biggest excuses are that changing to workout clothes is so much effort, and I don't always have a computer to play my kickboxing DVD on. So to counteract these my "gym clothes" are usually sitting on a chair in my room ready to go, which makes me more likely to change. And if I am unable to borrow a laptop from one of my housemates, I have my fitness folder full of other workouts - which are not as fun as kickboxing, but something is better than nothing.
  4. Understand why. Make a list of reasons why you wanted to work out in the first place. If you understand the reasoning and see the purpose, you're more likely to consider it important.
  5. Variety. Keep your workouts varied and try new things. This will keep you from getting bored and also keeps your body on it's toes working different muscles.
  6. Break your workout up throughout the day. If your excuse is that you don't have a 30 min block of time in your day, try breaking it up into 10 minute chunks. Small amounts of physical activity do add up.
Feel free to share your tips in the comments. Now if you'll excuse me lovelies, I have a very important date with my body.

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